Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Shopping!

Can you believe it’s that time already? Holiday shopping: whether you do it early or late it is a mess. We want to reiterate the signs you see everywhere about “TAKE, LOCK, HIDE”. Whenever you are visiting multiple stores be mindful of where you are placing your purchases and remember to lock your car. Also, while you want to dash in and out of stores as quickly as possible do not get in such a rush that you ignore your surroundings. Please double check your mirror’s before backing out, it takes a split second for someone to get behind your vehicle. And finally, obey all traffic signs and signals; this is one of the most dangerous seasons for drivers. Happy holidays!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

As we think about Thanksgiving, it seems only fitting to send out our thanks. We sincerely appreciate all of those that have done business with us in 2013 and in previous years. We look forward to continuing our current client relationships and developing many more. Tell us what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Winterizing your Vehicle

This Traffic Tip Tuesday we want to remind those of you with a vehicle to begin winterizing. Every season it is good to do a routine check on your vehicle. For the winter these are a few suggestions we have.
1.      Is your washer fluid appropriate for freezing temperatures… if not it can freeze and potentially damage the reservoir and cause the washer system to become useless
2.      How old is your battery…is there any corrosion around it? Cold weather can at times cause a battery to die, in which case check that you have jumper cables!
3.      Do you own an ice scraper? We highly recommend you not drive with a frosted front or back windshield
4.      Keep at least a quarter to half tank of gas to keep your gas from freezing, and running out on a roadway in the cold.

You can also visit the following article to read more in depth practices to ensure a safe winter on the roads.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Holiday Gatherings

As the holidays approach there are parties with friends and family, corporate holiday events, Christmas light tours and more to enjoy! American Transfers & Tours is happy to provide safe and reliable transportation to and from all of your holiday activities. All of our equipment is equipped with heating to keep you cozy on the ride! Give us a call or email today to request a quote. As a reminder the below information is what we will need:

1. Contact Person
2. Contact Information
3. Dates & Times (do not have to be official yet)
4.Number of Passengers
5. Locations

Monday, November 4, 2013

November or Movember?

Have you been curious about mustaches and beards you see in the month of November… or should we call it Movember? As a company comprised of both men and women we want all of our employees in good health. So we are doing our part in bringing awareness to Movember! This month is not only about Turkey, football and Christmas shopping but Men’s health. The mustaches and beards you see are part of a movement for men to be proactive about their health. Celebrate this month of awareness and health with your best buds. American Transfers and Tours would love to provide a safe and reliable ride for a guys night out! More information on the movement of Movember can be found at the following link:  #mustache #movember 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Safety First

As members of the transportation industry, we believe that safety is the highest priority for both our clients and employees. For our employee safety, we ensure that each is trained on the use of two-way radios, possess a cell phone and is outfitted with a bright colored, reflective vest. Mobile devices may only be used when stopped as is required by the law & serves as a safety measure for our clients. We meet all Federal DOT requirements.  The combination of these safety measures provides a safe environment for all parties.