Friday, October 18, 2013

What is Ground Transportation?

What is ground transportation management? When we think about explaining what’s involved in a ground transportation plan, it makes next to no sense. There are so many elements that make up fluid convention/event ground transportation we have a hard time finding a concise description. We want you to know what we do, in the below bullet points you can get an idea.
1.      Assess your ground transportation needs
2.      Allocate the equipment and pricing to best fit your budget
3.      Develop routing based on hotels, room blocks, type of shuttle service and event locations
4.      Create and place signage for routes and schedules
5.      Provide on-site traffic management
6.      Utilize trained and uniformed staff, familiar with the event location
7.      Airport Meet & Greet

8.      VIP services (keynote speakers, celebrity guests, etc.) to and from airport as well as any other transfers 
For more information on all of our services and company history visit our official website !

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